2024 Virtual Developing an Acquisition Strategy (December 16)

  • Registration Closed

What Makes a Successful Design-Build Acquisition Strategy?

DBIA’s Developing an Acquisition Strategy course provides best practices, practical advice, tips and approaches for crafting solicitations, selecting the best team, and effectively using contract incentives – all of which form the foundation for successful design-build teams and exceptional project outcomes. This course is designed for Owners and practitioners alike and focuses on:

  • Understanding and writing meaningful performance-based requirements
  • Maximizing two-phase design-build source selection, from shortlisting to final selection, ensuring selection of the best team
  • Using incentive contracting to promote collaboration and deliver project success

8 CEUs


The DBIA Virtual Training classroom is not an “online” experience, but instead a true “virtual” experience. It allows remote attendees a real-time participant experience, fully engaged with their instructor and others in the classroom. Full engagement is critical As such, the following is required for those joining the classroom virtually:

  • You MUST have video/camera capability on the computer you will be using;
  • You MUST keep your video/camera on during the entirety of the training (you may turn it off during breaks and lunch). Each participant is expected to be visible as a class participant throughout the training, just as it would be if you were physically in the classroom;
  • Please find a quiet location that will have minimal distractions/disturbances;
  • Please Mute your microphone when you are not speaking; and
  • Remain in the virtual classroom during class activities as they, too, will take place virtually and you are expected to participate.

DBIA instructors and staff will actively monitor your attendance and reserve to right to decline issuance of a certificate of completion should virtual attendees not actively participate based on the rules above.

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact Education@dbia.org.

Craig H. Unger, FDBIA


Unger Security Solutions, LLC

Craig Unger is Principal and CEO of Unger Security Solutions, LLC, providing consulting services for acquisition management; project delivery; and advisory services for the security and detention environment.  Mr. Unger founded the business upon his retirement from the federal government in 2003.

Mr. Unger was appointed by the Attorney General of the United States in August 2001, to serve as the Justice Department's Federal Detention Trustee.  As a career civil servant with over 26 years of service, Mr. Unger achieved the highest leadership role (Senior Executive Service) before retiring as a Federal Law Enforcement Officer with the Justice Department.

Additionally, Mr. Unger served as President of the Design-Build Institute of America (DBIA 2003 – 2004) and is regarded as a leader of the integrated project delivery design-build movement in the public sector.

Mr. Unger has an extensive background in various alternative disputes resolution (ADR) techniques to include Facilitating numerous Partnering Workshops, Mediation Services, and a former member of the Washington Metropolitan Area Transportation Authority Disputes Resolution Board.

Mr. Unger is a nationally recognized lecturer throughout the industry and has authored numerous articles and publications, including US Congressional reports and testimony.  He received a BA in Accounting from Bloomsburg University; a MBA from West Virginia University; and attended Harvard University for post graduate work.  He is also a Veteran of the US Marine Corps.

Craig is also the winner of DBIA’s Brunelleschi Lifetime Achievement Award, the highest honor DBIA bestows.


Developing an Acquisition Strategy
12/16/2024 at 10:00 AM (EST)  |  540 minutes
12/16/2024 at 10:00 AM (EST)  |  540 minutes ***PLEASE LAUNCH CLASS DIRECTLY FROM THE DBIA LEARNING PORTAL.***
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Session Evaluation and AIA Credit Request
8.00 CEH credits  |  Certificate available
8.00 CEH credits  |  Certificate available