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  • Contains 3 Component(s), Includes Credits

    The University of Washington’s College of Built Environments is leading a Charles Pankow Foundation funded project to develop a tool that will assess and improve Owner decision-making with project delivery selection and management. The Owner organization has a significant impact on the success of a capital project. However, research on project delivery often focuses on the project team and how the delivery method supports key project performance indicators such as cost and schedule, as well as how it supports team interaction and team decision-making. What is not yet as well understood is the impact that Owner organization characteristics such as their decision-making culture have on project success, nor how different Owner organizational structures and cultures in terms of decision-making relates to successful use of different delivery methods. This research project will develop a digital tool for Owners to assess their decision-making profile and understand the challenges and alignments between this profile and project delivery for improved selection and management of project delivery methods Learning objectives: • Hear from the lead researcher the methodology used in developing this new tool. • Understand how an Owner's decision-making culture impacts project delivery decisions and outcomes. • Discuss how the Owner's culture aligns with various project delivery methods, including design-build. • Learn how industry can help guide Owners in the effective use of this tool.

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  • Contains 3 Component(s), Includes Credits Recorded On: 03/08/2023

    Teaming Agreements, the legal arrangement that covers the pre-award phase of project pursuits, are one of the most important, variable – and least understood – elements of the design-build process. Too many teams skip this important step or give it short shrift, jumping into the project pursuit phase without aligning on how their firms will work together, share risk, share stipends and costs and cope with project realities in a fair manner. A well-crafted Teaming Agreement can pave the way for a successful pursuit, efficient negotiation of the Subsequent Agreement and seamless project delivery. In this session, members of DBIA’s National Design Professionals’ Advisory and Engagement Committee will share their perspectives and recommendations about why and how to achieve effective Teaming Agreements. Each draws on decades of successful design-build experience and lessons learned while bringing a distinct perspective characteristic of their different role in the team. The panel will address the following key questions: 1. How is a Teaming Agreement going to help my firm achieve success? 2. What Teaming Agreement provisions are indispensable? 3. What are the risks of failing to negotiate a robust Teaming Agreement? 4. How does a Teaming Agreement facilitate efficient Subsequent Agreement negotiations?

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    The use of Building Information Modeling (BIM) and 3D drawings have become a de facto standard for the design of water and wastewater treatment facilities. These BIM models have proven to be very effective in communicating ideas early in the design process to optimize a facility’s performance and achieve consensus with an owner. However, there are few examples and limited standards for design-build projects, particularly for progressive design-build, on how contractors should best apply BIM during construction, and establish requirements for final BIM delivery to owners, that will provide efficiencies and cost savings for ongoing operations and maintenance. This webinar will discuss the practical applications for BIM through the design-build process, and considerations for contract documents, owner’s requirements, and final submittals that will support long term facility maintenance and asset management systems. The promise of BIM is for information developed during design to aid in building assembly modeling, or BAM, through the construction phase to enable efficient scheduling, contractor coordination, and cost control. Ultimately, if design-build is done right, the owner can leverage BIM and BAM for building operations optimization modeling, or BOOM, to support enterprise asset management that minimizes energy consumption, optimizes maintenance, and guides overall facility operations.

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  • Contains 3 Component(s), Includes Credits Recorded On: 06/21/2023

    Discussion of FMI and DBIA's latest research into use of alternative delivery methods. Learning objectives: How design-build is utilized compared to other alternative delivery methods​ What projects are the right "fit" for design-build​ How design-build can be used to assist in addressing talent retention challenges​ What varying stakeholders perceive different methods of selection for design-build

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  • Contains 3 Component(s), Includes Credits

    Progressive Design-Build (PDB) has seen expanded use and interest across the country. PDB uses primarily a qualifications-based selection, followed by a process whereby the Owner then “progresses” toward a design and contract price with the team. In this Design-Build Delivers Webinar, we’ll examine DBIA’s new PDB Deeper Dive document and take a closer look at the key characteristics of this approach and how to determine if PDB is right for a project. • Discuss characteristics common to all variations of design-build that are drivers to PDB success. • Understand key considerations in determining if PDB is right for you and/or your project. • Gain an understanding of the Validation Phase, a key distinguishing factor of PDB. • Hear recommended practices that drive successful PDB outcomes.

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    Recently, the DBIA 's Design Professionals Committee worked together to revisit the Design Excellence Position Statement to acknowledge the multi-faceted way Design Excellence can improve results for the full team, including Owners, project end users, the local community, and the project’s impact on the environment. The resulting position statement broadens the definition of Design Excellence and acknowledges the collaboration required among all members of the Design-Build Team in including Design Excellence as a part of a long term best value solution. Learning Objectives: 1. Discuss how Design Excellence is not an added cost but part of the best value design and delivery process. 2. Review aspects of Design Excellence through five lenses of impact. 3. Understand the roles of all Design/Build team members in achieving Design Excellence. 4. Discuss how Design Excellence can be applied across all project types, horizontal and vertical.

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    The DBIA Progressive Design-Build Deeper Dive introduces a new phase in the progressive design-build project: the Validation Period. This webinar will provide insight into how all parties to the progressive design-build project use best practices to manage the risk of the project by aligning the parties’ expectations at the outset. Webinar participants will learn the intent of establishing the Validation Period and how to best incorporate the Validation Period into the contract. In addition, the panelists will provide a step by step analysis of how to successfully achieve early consensus and alignment on the project’s scope, cost, and schedule.

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  • Contains 3 Component(s), Includes Credits

    Progressive Design-Build allows for strong engagement with project owners and stakeholders throughout the design process. It is also important that the project team has a governance and decision-making structure and process to assure decisions are arrived at during the proper times and within established parameters which could include budget, schedule, quality and performance. An owner, architect and design-builder will share insights and lessons learned from two highly successful, national awarding winning, Progressive Design-Build projects.

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  • Contains 3 Component(s), Includes Credits Recorded On: 01/18/2024

    The complexity of projects and how we engage to deliver them continues to increase. However, even as the Design-Build Done Right process has evolved and become more effective, our leadership capabilities have not kept pace. Leadership touches every aspect of project performance and teaming effectiveness, but it’s hard to shake the old command and control modes of engagement and it is keeping us from optimizing the full potential that Design-Build Done Right offers. A team cannot perform at a higher level than the consciousness of its leadership. In this webinar we will begin to explore how to raise the consciousness of our collective leadership as design-build professionals.

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  • Contains 3 Component(s), Includes Credits Recorded On: 02/28/2024

    It is critical that all Design-Build Institute of America (DBIA) Best Practices and corresponding Implementing Techniques continue to reflect the current state of the Design-Build industry. In the fall of 2023, DBIA rolled out its updated Federal Sector Best Practices. This was accomplished through a workgroup within the DBIA Federal Committee composed of current and former senior executives with decades of experience leading Federal Agencies’ Design-Build programs. The workgroup solicited recommendations from Agencies throughout federal sector and from associations with members covering all disciplines (contracting professionals, builders, specialty subcontractors, professional architects and engineers, technical representatives, attorneys, etc.) involved in federal integrated design and construction. This Webinar will provide insight into some of the more significant updates to the Federal Sector Best Practices. Learning Outcomes: In this session you will learn: • The revisions to the prior DBIA Federal Sector Best Practices. • The Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) Parts that support these Best Practices. • The importance of leveraging the flexibility that is provided within the FAR to exercise initiative and sound business judgment. • The potential for business process innovation when following the Federal Sector Best Practices. • The techniques that will increase the probability of a successful Federal Design-Build Project.

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  • Contains 3 Component(s), Includes Credits

    Progressive Design-Build (PDB) has seen expanded use and interest across the country. PDB uses primarily a qualifications-based selection, followed by a process whereby the Owner then “progresses” toward a design and contract price with the team. In this Design-Build Delivers Webinar, we’ll examine DBIA’s new PDB Deeper Dive document and take a closer look at the key characteristics of this approach and how to determine if PDB is right for a project. • Discuss characteristics common to all variations of design-build that are drivers to PDB success. • Understand key considerations in determining if PDB is right for you and/or your project. • Gain an understanding of the Validation Phase, a key distinguishing factor of PDB. • Hear recommended practices that drive successful PDB outcomes.

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  • Contains 3 Component(s), Includes Credits

    The University of Washington’s College of Built Environments is leading a Charles Pankow Foundation funded project to develop a tool that will assess and improve Owner decision-making with project delivery selection and management. The Owner organization has a significant impact on the success of a capital project. However, research on project delivery often focuses on the project team and how the delivery method supports key project performance indicators such as cost and schedule, as well as how it supports team interaction and team decision-making. What is not yet as well understood is the impact that Owner organization characteristics such as their decision-making culture have on project success, nor how different Owner organizational structures and cultures in terms of decision-making relates to successful use of different delivery methods. This research project will develop a digital tool for Owners to assess their decision-making profile and understand the challenges and alignments between this profile and project delivery for improved selection and management of project delivery methods Learning objectives: • Hear from the lead researcher the methodology used in developing this new tool. • Understand how an Owner's decision-making culture impacts project delivery decisions and outcomes. • Discuss how the Owner's culture aligns with various project delivery methods, including design-build. • Learn how industry can help guide Owners in the effective use of this tool.

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  • Contains 3 Component(s), Includes Credits Recorded On: 11/02/2022

    CONTENT EXPIRES: December 31, 2024

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  • Contains 3 Component(s), Includes Credits Recorded On: 03/08/2023

    Teaming Agreements, the legal arrangement that covers the pre-award phase of project pursuits, are one of the most important, variable – and least understood – elements of the design-build process. Too many teams skip this important step or give it short shrift, jumping into the project pursuit phase without aligning on how their firms will work together, share risk, share stipends and costs and cope with project realities in a fair manner. A well-crafted Teaming Agreement can pave the way for a successful pursuit, efficient negotiation of the Subsequent Agreement and seamless project delivery. In this session, members of DBIA’s National Design Professionals’ Advisory and Engagement Committee will share their perspectives and recommendations about why and how to achieve effective Teaming Agreements. Each draws on decades of successful design-build experience and lessons learned while bringing a distinct perspective characteristic of their different role in the team. The panel will address the following key questions: 1. How is a Teaming Agreement going to help my firm achieve success? 2. What Teaming Agreement provisions are indispensable? 3. What are the risks of failing to negotiate a robust Teaming Agreement? 4. How does a Teaming Agreement facilitate efficient Subsequent Agreement negotiations?

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  • Contains 3 Component(s), Includes Credits

    Progressive Design-Build allows for strong engagement with project owners and stakeholders throughout the design process. It is also important that the project team has a governance and decision-making structure and process to assure decisions are arrived at during the proper times and within established parameters which could include budget, schedule, quality and performance. An owner, architect and design-builder will share insights and lessons learned from two highly successful, national awarding winning, Progressive Design-Build projects.

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  • Contains 3 Component(s), Includes Credits

    Progressive Design-Build (PDB) has seen expanded use and interest across the country. PDB uses primarily a qualifications-based selection, followed by a process whereby the Owner then “progresses” toward a design and contract price with the team. In this Design-Build Delivers Webinar, we’ll examine DBIA’s new PDB Deeper Dive document and take a closer look at the key characteristics of this approach and how to determine if PDB is right for a project. • Discuss characteristics common to all variations of design-build that are drivers to PDB success. • Understand key considerations in determining if PDB is right for you and/or your project. • Gain an understanding of the Validation Phase, a key distinguishing factor of PDB. • Hear recommended practices that drive successful PDB outcomes.

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  • Contains 3 Component(s), Includes Credits

    The University of Washington’s College of Built Environments is leading a Charles Pankow Foundation funded project to develop a tool that will assess and improve Owner decision-making with project delivery selection and management. The Owner organization has a significant impact on the success of a capital project. However, research on project delivery often focuses on the project team and how the delivery method supports key project performance indicators such as cost and schedule, as well as how it supports team interaction and team decision-making. What is not yet as well understood is the impact that Owner organization characteristics such as their decision-making culture have on project success, nor how different Owner organizational structures and cultures in terms of decision-making relates to successful use of different delivery methods. This research project will develop a digital tool for Owners to assess their decision-making profile and understand the challenges and alignments between this profile and project delivery for improved selection and management of project delivery methods Learning objectives: • Hear from the lead researcher the methodology used in developing this new tool. • Understand how an Owner's decision-making culture impacts project delivery decisions and outcomes. • Discuss how the Owner's culture aligns with various project delivery methods, including design-build. • Learn how industry can help guide Owners in the effective use of this tool.

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  • Contains 3 Component(s), Includes Credits Recorded On: 11/02/2022

    CONTENT EXPIRES: December 31, 2024

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  • Contains 3 Component(s), Includes Credits Recorded On: 03/08/2023

    Teaming Agreements, the legal arrangement that covers the pre-award phase of project pursuits, are one of the most important, variable – and least understood – elements of the design-build process. Too many teams skip this important step or give it short shrift, jumping into the project pursuit phase without aligning on how their firms will work together, share risk, share stipends and costs and cope with project realities in a fair manner. A well-crafted Teaming Agreement can pave the way for a successful pursuit, efficient negotiation of the Subsequent Agreement and seamless project delivery. In this session, members of DBIA’s National Design Professionals’ Advisory and Engagement Committee will share their perspectives and recommendations about why and how to achieve effective Teaming Agreements. Each draws on decades of successful design-build experience and lessons learned while bringing a distinct perspective characteristic of their different role in the team. The panel will address the following key questions: 1. How is a Teaming Agreement going to help my firm achieve success? 2. What Teaming Agreement provisions are indispensable? 3. What are the risks of failing to negotiate a robust Teaming Agreement? 4. How does a Teaming Agreement facilitate efficient Subsequent Agreement negotiations?

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  • Contains 3 Component(s), Includes Credits

    Progressive Design-Build allows for strong engagement with project owners and stakeholders throughout the design process. It is also important that the project team has a governance and decision-making structure and process to assure decisions are arrived at during the proper times and within established parameters which could include budget, schedule, quality and performance. An owner, architect and design-builder will share insights and lessons learned from two highly successful, national awarding winning, Progressive Design-Build projects.

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  • Contains 3 Component(s), Includes Credits Recorded On: 11/02/2022

    CONTENT EXPIRES: December 31, 2024 Suneel Gupta: An experienced expert at accelerating growth and innovation, Suneel Gupta has been heralded as one of the most inspiring innovation speakers in the country by leaders at Deloitte, Walgreens and NASDAQ. Sharing lessons from his experience building companies like Groupon from a start-up to a multi-billion dollar company, Suneel helps leaders and teams recognize untapped potential to accelerate innovation and growth within their organization

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    CONTENT EXPIRES: December 31, 2024​​ A panel consisting of an Owner, Contractors and Engineers will discuss insightful, tough, and sometimes awkward issues regarding effective teaming, collaboration, and integration. Topics will include: How are teaming decisions made? Why are agreements becoming more difficult to negotiate? What do your teaming partners need to improve? How can we manage the risk instead of just shifting it? Who should be responsible for liquidated damages? Can you rely on quantity estimates? Do early start packages really work? How does Progressive Design-Build change the conversation?

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    CONTENT EXPIRES: December 31, 2024​​ This presentation will examine a recent restroom renovation project at DFW Airport, Terminal A in which off-site prefabrication was utilized as part of a design build delivery approach with the goal of reducing existing restroom downtime. The panel will include the lead architect for the project, the director of prefabrication, and a representative of the airport ownership team. We will recap the project, discuss the unique design approach of designing and implementing prefabricated elements in a secure airport terminal environment, and will review a series of lessons learned from the project. We will conclude with some key takeaways and guidelines for others wishing to explore off-site pre-fabrication in their own project delivery process.

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    CONTENT EXPIRES: December 31, 2024 Join a candid discussion with leading Owner agencies as they look at significant topics affecting the national design-build and P3 markets in transportation. Panelists will include a diverse cross section of Owners with insights into the opportunities and challenges facing our industry today.

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    CONTENT EXPIRES: December 31, 2024​​ Establishing early process and procedures can help facilitate the success of the project moving forward. Many Owners are making the transition from a Design-Bid-Build methodology/ideology to a Design-Build project delivery, from a low-bid practice to an integrative, collaborative contracting methodology. This paper explores best practices for the 'Procurement Team' to implement as part of a successful project delivery. After a project delivery method is selected, now comes the challenging part – establishing the team to deliver the project. For agencies in the early stages of using DB, how to set up the team, roles and responsibilities, process and procedures of how the procurement phase will be implemented and managed is critical. Design-Build can present many challenges starting in procurement phase, developing the RFQ, RFP and implementation starting with how different department work together, how decisions are made, the roles and responsibilities of the ‘Procurement Team” . Much attention is paid to project delivery selection…but establishing the ‘team’ is just as important in a projects success.

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