2024 Virtual Extended Certification Workshop (December 6, 13, 20)

Includes Multiple Live Events. The next is on 12/06/2024 at 10:00 AM (EST)

  • Register
    • Non-member Practitioner - $3,100
    • Practitioner Member - $2,100
    • Owner Member - $1,200
    • Academia Member - $1,200
    • Industry Partner Academia Member - $1,200
    • Industry Partner Practitioner Member - $2,100
    • Industry Partner Owner Member - $1,200

A three-day intensive program including the three DBIA core courses required for certification plus access to the conde of conduct and exam prep webinars. We advise attendees to take the code of conduct webinar before the workshop.

Code of Conduct Webinar (Pre-Workshop)
Day 1: Principles of Design-Build Delivery & Procurement
Day 2: Post Award: Executing the Delivery of Design-Build Projects
Day 3: Contracts & Risk Management

Exam Prep Webinar (Post-Workshop)


The DBIA Virtual Training classroom is not an “online” experience, but instead a true “virtual” experience. It allows remote attendees a real-time participant experience, fully engaged with their instructor and others in the classroom.In the case of DBIA Certification Workshops in particular, this full engagement is critical. Full attendance at the workshop is a requirement for those seeking certification. As such, the following is required for those joining the classroom virtually:

  • You MUST have video/camera capability on the computer you will be using;
  • You MUST keep your video/camera on during the entirety of the training (you may turn it off during breaks and lunch). Each participant is expected to be visible as a class participant throughout the training, just as it would be if you were physically in the classroom;
  • Please find a quiet location that will have minimal distractions/disturbances;
  • Please Mute your microphone when you are not speaking; and
  • Remain in the virtual classroom during class activities as they, too, will take place virtually and you are expected to participate.

DBIA instructors and staff will actively monitor your attendance and reserve to right to decline issuance of a certificate of completion should virtual attendees not actively participate based on the rules above.

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact Education@dbia.org.


DBIA Code of Professional Conduct Webinar
Open to view video.
Open to view video.
Certificate of Completion - DBIA Code of Professional Conduct Webinar
1.00 CEH credit  |  Certificate available
1.00 CEH credit  |  Certificate available Formerly CEUs DBIA now uses CEHs - Continuing Education Hours.
Setting the Stage for Design-Build Success
12/06/2024 at 10:00 AM (EST)  |  420 minutes
12/06/2024 at 10:00 AM (EST)  |  420 minutes ***PLEASE LAUNCH CLASS DIRECTLY FROM THE DBIA LEARNING PORTAL.*** If you are having trouble launching the class via the learning portal, you can use the meeting information below. However, you will not be marked as attended. You will also need to contact DBIA at Education@dbia.org. Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88247399827?pwd=UHZ2R3ZES2JCNlN5QXpzcTNNa240dz09 Meeting ID: 882 4739 9827 Passcode: 742819
Verification Code
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Enter code to continue.
Session Evaluation and AIA Credit Request - Setting the Stage for Design-Build Success
Certificate of Completion - Setting the Stage for Design-Build Success
8.00 CEHs credits  |  Certificate available
8.00 CEHs credits  |  Certificate available Formerly CEUs DBIA now uses CEHs - Continuing Education Hours.
Collaborating for Exceptional Outcomes
12/13/2024 at 10:00 AM (EST)  |  420 minutes
12/13/2024 at 10:00 AM (EST)  |  420 minutes ***PLEASE LAUNCH CLASS DIRECTLY FROM THE DBIA LEARNING PORTAL.*** If you are having trouble launching the class via the learning portal, you can use the meeting information below. However, you will not be marked as attended. You will also need to contact DBIA at Education@dbia.org. Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82842386047?pwd=OVpMUm5EZHV0dEFIU3ZVNlNHYUk2Zz09 Meeting ID: 828 4238 6047 Passcode: 080785
Verification Code
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Enter code to continue.
Session Evaluation and AIA Credit Request - Collaborating for Exceptional Outcomes
Certificate of Completion - Collaborating for Exceptional Outcomes
8.00 CEHs credits  |  Certificate available
8.00 CEHs credits  |  Certificate available
Contracts & Risk Management
12/20/2024 at 10:00 AM (EST)  |  420 minutes
12/20/2024 at 10:00 AM (EST)  |  420 minutes ***PLEASE LAUNCH CLASS DIRECTLY FROM THE DBIA LEARNING PORTAL.*** If you are having trouble launching the class via the learning portal, you can use the meeting information below. However, you will not be marked as attended. You will also need to contact DBIA at Education@dbia.org. Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82132998370?pwd=UnJyL2ZwVnNFUURGUlg5djRCblJ4UT09 Meeting ID: 821 3299 8370 Passcode: 022782
Verification Code
Enter code to continue.
Enter code to continue.
Session Evaluation and AIA Credit Request - Contracts and Risk Management
Certificate of Completion - Contracts & Risk Management
8.00 CEHs credits  |  Certificate available
8.00 CEHs credits  |  Certificate available