Design-Build Delivers Webinar – Refreshing our Federal Sector Best Practices (February 28, 2024)

Recorded On: 02/28/2024

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It is critical that all Design-Build Institute of America (DBIA) Best Practices and corresponding Implementing Techniques continue to reflect the current state of the Design-Build industry.  In the fall of 2023, DBIA rolled out its updated Federal Sector Best Practices. This was accomplished through a workgroup within the DBIA Federal Committee composed of current and former senior executives with decades of experience leading Federal Agencies’ Design-Build programs. The workgroup solicited recommendations from Agencies throughout federal sector and from associations with members covering all disciplines (contracting professionals, builders, specialty subcontractors, professional architects and engineers, technical representatives, attorneys, etc.) involved in federal integrated design and construction.  This Webinar will provide insight into some of the more significant updates to the Federal Sector Best Practices.   

Learning Outcomes:  In this session you will learn:

  • The revisions to the prior DBIA Federal Sector Best Practices. 
  • The Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) Parts that support these Best Practices.
  • The importance of leveraging the flexibility that is provided within the FAR to exercise initiative and sound business judgment.
  • The potential for business process innovation when following the Federal Sector Best Practices.
  • The techniques that will increase the probability of a successful Federal Design-Build Project.


Dave Triplett

Procurement Unit Chief

Federal Bureau of Investigations

Dave is Chief Contracting Officer for the Federal Bureau of Investigation for the Facilities Acquisition Unit in the Procurement Section.  The Section supports the FBI mission by responsibly and efficiently procuring all necessary supplies, services, architect and engineering, construction, and other operational programs across the enterprise.  Mr. Triplett has served as the Chief Contracting Officer of FFD’s Facilities Acquisition Unit since 2017.  Prior to that time Mr. Triplett served as a Contracting Officer supporting a number of large construction projects for the FBI.  Mr. Triplett entered on duty with the FBI in 2010.

James (Jim) Ropelewski, JD, DBIA


ROPE Strategies, LLC

Jim is a former member of the Senior Executive Service with over 30 years of broad experience leading Federal organizations in the areas of law, procurement, budget, audit resolution, human capital, design and construction programs, facilities management, and information technology. He is an advisor to the Design-Build Institute of American (DBIA) in matters involving curriculum and resource development, as well as serving as an instructor for several of their training courses.  Jim is also the Principal for ROPE Strategies, LLC, providing consulting services in design-build integrated project delivery, risk management, strategic planning, and alternative dispute resolution (ADR), including facilitated partnering workshops. He is an Adjunct Professor at American University’s School of Public Affairs, Department of Justice, Law, and Criminology.

Jim served over 16 years with the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ), in legal and senior management positions. As an attorney, he specialized in government contracts and construction litigation, rising to the position of Deputy General Counsel. As Chief of Construction Contracting, he established the design-build program for all new Federal detention facilities. After DOJ, Jim served in the U.S. Department of Education in various leadership roles, including Director of Contracting, Senior Procurement Executive, Suspension and Debarment Official, and Deputy Chief Financial Officer. In those roles, he oversaw contracts, procurement policy, indirect cost negotiations, and internal controls. Jim retired from Federal service as an Assistant Inspector General, Office of Personnel Management.

Jim holds a B.A in Economics and Political Science from Binghamton University and earned his Juris Doctor from William and Mary Law School. He also has earned a Certificate in Strategic Foresight from the University of Houston.



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