Design-Build Done Right® – Contracting for Design-Build Services

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Design-Build for Procurement Professionals – Part 3

The use of fair and clear contracts is fundamental to any delivery process. Because there are some important differences between design-build contracts and those for other delivery systems, it is particularly important for the individuals who administer the design-build procurement and contract execution to understand the contract’s language and its practical application. The construction industry currently tends to focus on the contract between the owner and design-builder. For design-build to succeed, however, the principles must also be incorporated into the contracts of those subconsultants, subcontractors and major suppliers working within the design-build team. This presentation will be a follow-on to the procuring phase and focus on the effort to structure contracts and contractor involvement in a fair and collaborative manner at the prime and sub-contract levels. It will discuss/review:

  1. Recap of the meaning of Design-Build Done Right® and the Development of Universal Best Practices
  2. In depth discussion of the 3 DBIA Universal Best Practices and the 18 associated Implementing Techniques related to Contracting for Design-Build Services and considerations during formation of contract terms and conditions for Design-Build Services



Richard J. Formella, PMP, DBIA, CPPO


Design-Build Strategic Solutions, LLC

Richard J. Formella is the President of Design-Build Strategic Solutions, LLC, a design & construction contracting process consulting firm. He recently retired from federal service as Chief of the Bio-Containment Procurement Branch for the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). He has over 32 years of federal acquisition/contracting experience and joined DHS in 2006 serving as a Head of the Contracting Activity through 2014. Prior to joining DHS, Mr. Formella was employed by the Department of Justice (DOJ), Federal Bureau of Prisons (BOP) for over 20 years and concluded his service at BOP as the Chief of Construction Contracting where he led and administered the $3.0 billion dollar new federal prison construction contracting program. At the DHS he led the team providing design and construction contracting support for the DHS Science and Technology Directorate for major laboratory renovations and new construction an overall $1.5 billion program, including the $1.3 billion National Bio & Agro Defense Facility.

 Mr. Formella is a 1986 graduate of the FLETC, and holds a BS in Forest Management from the University of Wisconsin – Stevens Point; a Masters Certificate in Project Management from Regis University, and a MS in Management – Leadership and Organizational Effectiveness from Troy University. He is a certified Project Management Professional (PMP), a designated Design-Build Professional (DBIA) and a Certified Public Procurement Officer (CPPO).


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1.50 CEUs credits  |  Certificate available